Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Mutated Humanity...

I shant keep ye long, seen as Bernard be giving the ole “move along” hand gesture...

I seem to be taking a lot of my ideas from books...mainly on the Good Book...or the Good Books, depending on whether or not you’re a fan of Barets and Baretta.

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, Donald Miller is a fantastic writer. I’ve just finished a chapter of Searching for God Know’s What entitled Children of Chernobyl. And so far, it has been the most interesting chapter of the book.

It’s hard to imagine, but I’ve had 5 cats in my small life time. My second cat, Heidi, was a beautiful gray cat. But at the same time, he was a pain in the bee-hind. He was incredibly annoying, but that didn’t affect how sad I was when he passed away. Looking back though, there was something I should have been sadder about...

It’s hard to imagine that the attacks on 9/11 actually happened. It sounds crazy when you really think about it. I mean, how could something like that happen in today’s day and age? It’s easy to the understand how the American people felt during that time...they were angry.

But not angry at what happened, they were angry that someone was trying to destroy the reputation that they had built. War has existed since, well forever, and leaving aside the fact that war’s have been fought in numerous names and beliefs, war, in its purest form, boils down to one man comparing himself to another.

But where did war come from?

You may not think it but war is a natural thing. Any simple act of violence against a group or individual can in essence be called war. War doesn’t just happen in the Middle East, or the Congo, or anywhere on the global scale...war is happening in our schools, our centres, parks, governments, it’s all around us, and it be stopped.

Adam and Eve get a lot of stick for a lot of what the human being has become. And there is some truth that they are partly to blame. But there was one before them, one who tricked them, one who really is the whole cause of the human downfall...


Even before we were ever created, Satan, a fallen angel, was already at war with God. The one known as the Prince of Darkness started the biggest battle the universe has ever seen. But I think in the back of his head, he knew he couldn’t win. So he decided to trick God’s most beloved into causing Him as much pain as possible... and it all started with a couple, and an apple...

By tricking them, Satan caused not only the pain he wished to inflict on God, but the separation of us from God. This ties back into my last post, about how we need relationship’s in order to survive as human. Ever since then, we’ve been trying to replace that missing thing, the God-shaped hole in our hearts with whatever we could get our hands on. War wasn’t an exception...

Miller gives a poignant comparison to what humanity has turned into...Sasha is one of the numerous Children of Chernobyl, a 5 year old caught in the nuclear fallout of one of the greatest tragedies of human history. He has a growth the size of a soft-ball protruding from his chest, separate flows of flesh meshing into a mutated nightmare, his now gigantic legs no longer able to support his body mass, meshing seamlessly into his oversized feet, with toes the size of my fist...

It’s hard to compare, but that is what humanity has become, a mutated creature desperate to feel the need for comfort, something to fill the emptiness in our souls.

Billy Graham was asked why such things as the Columbine shootings took place. His answer wasn’t video games, or culture, or anything like that;

“There once was a couple who lived in a Garden called Eden, and in that Garden was a tree of knowledge of good and evil...”

Not only did Satan cause God the greatest pain of seeing his children suffered, he sparked the greatest rescue plan in human history...

The Nexus of our lives...

I’m sorry for the quality of this post. I’ve had to come up with something in the space of 30 mins, and I don’t work well under those sort of time constraints, but also, I plan on post a year in review post on New Year’s Eve...

I aim on making it my longest post of all time...

Be on the lookout for it....


1 comment:

Nicoley said...

My attention span won't thank you for it!