Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What To Call This Post...?

OK I know, lame title post, but I'm EXTREMELY tired tonight, so please forgive me just this once, and I promise, Better Post Titles For All!! (Sorry, some of the lads in my year are running for the Louth Youth County Council, and I appointed myself as one of their campaign managers, so stop me if I start to talk too politically.)

So as you can see from this graph (DAMN! Bold Phil!)

Today was my first applied maths class, and I have to say, it was totally worth putting up a fight for. Its so great! As I said to my friend today "IT'S ALL TECHNICAL AND PRECISE!!" Naturally, he said to keep taking the pills...

I'm not crazy....

But yes, things are going good. Unfortunately, the CU meeting didn't go ahead because of my Applied Maths. However, it is still on course, so keep praying guys...

COD 4 is amazing! I can see why so many people like the game. And I haven't even gone onto multiplayer yet!

My next door neighbour (who also happens to be one of my best friends) is coming home from Germany! I'm so excited! He's arriving home Saturday. It'll be so good to see him!

And because of the momentous occasion, my blog on Sunday will be related to him coming home.

No Eric, I'm not going to post anything about you per say, but rather the significance of the event of you coming home...and comparing it to something...

Don't worry, the reason behind my Blog Name will be coming...in full...and Lorcan, what I wrote was only the tip of what I'm going to write.

Hopefully I'll get my Teenstreet review up within a day or so. I expect everyone to comment on it! :P

Ciao for now!

So that's where that headless chicken went...


Nicoley said...

Is Eric that guy with the red beard who came to Delirious? with us?

Nexus said...

Yes, that be the same one...Not sure if he still has the beard...ohh well, time will tell!