Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Forgot How Bad That Car Smells...

OK, so this is going to sound a bit weird, but yesterday I was sleeping in one of teacher's house... No, I'm not the biggest suck up, but to cut down on travel between Navan and school, which is over in Drogheda for Mum and Dad, we made this arrangement for me to stay over one day a week...

Ohh yeah...she's a cronic smoker...

No joke, but it actually smells worse than a glue factory...

But enough about that...

After many a text and phone call, CU Leaders is now on! Yes! While the rest of DGS is in school, I'll be taking a train ride to Arklow! YAY!

Ohh, and for anyone from GAP who's reading this (not the camp, the youth group), I've got a surprise for you....Just keep it to yourselves.

Argh! Stupid key terms in business...

Still reading Ezekiel, getting a bit weird, but aside from that, a very good read.

Well that be all, spiritual post will be up on Sunday...I hope...


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