Sunday, September 14, 2008

CU Leaders

Well, I'm back from Ovoca once again, and if I may be honest, CU Leaders has been one of the best experiences of my life.

I'll give a quick rum through, and unlike most of my other accounts of camps and the like, I mean quick. Train ride down, wait in Ovoca. Got to manor at 5. No one there. Took nap. People arrived. Games, and 1st meeting from Andy (What is Leadership). Supper, and bed.

Breakfast. Personal devotion. 2nd meeting with Andy(Purpose of a CU). Lunch. Homework time. Group discussion. Dinner. 3rd meeting with Andy(Jesus). Supper. Evening entertainment. Bed.

Breakfast. Personal devotion. 4th meeting with Andy(Bible Study). Commissioning. Gone.

See, I told you.

The reason why I'm not going in depth is because a) I'm really tired having just gotten off two bus journeys, and b)...I can't think of another.

While there may have only been 14 campers, it was an amazing experience. The feeling of a close-knit community was simply amazing. Worship, led by Jonny Sommerville and Jude Barry, was amazing. And just hanging out with my friends was in itself, such a delight. Things like singing along to Christina playing piano, and Wez on drums was great. And getting up at 7 to do a bible study with a friend.

Before I get to my main point, I'll say my thanks. Thanks to all of the organisation staff, who put so much effort into making this such a great weekend. And thank you to all the campers there, they were simply amazing.

My main point comes from the second meeting. Looking back now, I realise that the message that Andy gave, was not dissimilar to what I've been trying to live. It ties in with the whole Nexus thing. I don't know why I tried to start my CU last year. Maybe because it was Trans year, or maybe because it would look good on my CV. But I realised something this week. Those things don't matter. The purpose of CU is to glorify God in all we do. That should also be the reason behind our CU's. And through that yearning to glorify Him, we should strive to make disciples of Him, just as Christ commanded us.

So a simple thanks. Thank you Jesus. You continue to amaze me, and my birthday's only a week ago! I can feel that you're going to do something amazing this year...I can feel it...

Are you going to let Him be the Nexus in your life...?

1 comment:

Phiasmir said...

Ahhhh! the mystery is finally revealed!