Saturday, November 1, 2008

An Account Of Hearts...

I’m not a huge fan of Halloween. It just really isn’t that much of a big deal to me. And so it’s nice to know that at that, Ovoca Manor’s doors would once again open to the multitude of teens, gathering to have an experience with God. This year was no exception.

GAP 08 was amazing, not only because of the insane amount of fun that we had, and not only because I finally had the time to chill with all my friends under one roof, but because of the way God moved throughout the camp. I’m going to give a very brief outline of what happened in the camp, and then move to the main body of the post.

As per usual, a meet and greet was first on the menu. Meals were prepared by the fantastic Susan, who once again prepared meals fit for kings. Many games ensued including ice breakers and time in the sports hall. Much of them were the same games. Time for using the slide, climbing wall, and archery was also present. Toy Story was watched by many…what, can’t we older kids enjoy some classic movie magic?

A lot of the time was just spent chilling out. Relaxing was something that I wanted to do, and I did it in spades. For the first time, for me anyway, the girls slept in the attic, while the lads enjoyed the nicest showers in the manor. Quiet times were awesome, with Stephen Byford, a good friend of mine. Sleep came relatively easily, despite the amount of sugar products in our rooms.

Of course, we can’t forget about the main body of the camp. Jude and Jonny organised a stellar camp, and part of this was because of who they got to speak. Ferg Breen is a legend. Full stop. From leading some of the most powerful worship ever, rivalling that of TeenStreet, to speaking incredibly on the Father Heart of God, he was astounding in every way.

Here’s a quick list of the name of the talks;

1) God the Father: Who He Really Is…
2) Jesus the Son: Why the Father Really sent Him…
3) Suffering: Where Our Father is when it hurts…
4) Prayer: Resting in the Presence of Our Father…
5) Worship: Praising the Heart of the Father…

God worked miracles in that camp. I know that the previous statement is true for me, and I’m sure that the same can be said for many of you who attended. Some of the stuff that Ferg talked on was amazing…so amazing I’m going to share my thoughts on 2 of them.

The first point comes the 2nd talk, where Ferg asked the question “Why did Jesus come?” Many people answered straight away with the statement to die for us. But there is something was wrong with that. If that was all Jesus was sent to do, couldn’t he have been killed as a babe, and still have accomplished the same? You see there’s another reason which had skipped passed me; and it fitted perfectly with the theme of the Father’s Heart. We are all broken, clasped in darkness. People back then had no idea about what the Heart of God was really like. And so Jesus came, not just to save us, but to reconnect us to our Father’s true heart, that we may also turn from our life of slander, and run home to our Father, who is already running to us.

The second point I’m going to simply show you in picture form;

We all need a father. Someone who can guides us down the road of life. Someone to give us advice when we need it. Someone to comfort us when the pain is too great. Someone who we can confine in when the problems of this world arise.

Unfortunately, not all fathers are like this. Some are cruel to their sons and daughters. Some lie about the world and its corruption. Some are untrustworthy, selfish, mean, lazy...I think you get the picture.

I myself have an amazing father, who I know loves me very much. But I know that in this world, there are children who are afraid of what their fathers have done to them. They are scared of the anger within their father's heart. I have never met a father like that, and it is one of my greatest desires that I go through life without ever meeting one.

But there is another who is perfect. There is a Father who loves you, no matter what.

GAP was an amazing camp, because once again, something that I had glanced at suddenly came and smacked me in the face. I am a prodigal son. I have taken all that God has given me, and put it to waste.

But I know that when I go back to my Father's house, I know he will run to me, with his arms wide open, and will rejoice over me;

"...But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him..."Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found...""

-Luke 15 v 20, 22-24

And so I leave you now, at this the end of my shortest account of any camp. But before I go, I'll leave you with this. Just something that sums up GAP;

Let Him be the Nexus of your life...


Phiasmir said...

Really nice video, I think that sums up a little more than just GAP! :P Nice post! It is crazy and difficult to comprehend, but it is nonetheless true!

Anonymous said...

I really cannot think of a better way I could have spent the midterm than with all ye in Ovoca.

Toy story(s) rocked!
So did Ferg.

The sugar didnt get too out of hand though!

Thanks for an awesome post phil.

But, I prefer the attic showers on account of the fact that you can see the sun rise from the windows there....